About Us

About us

What kinds of data can I obtain using Background Reveal ?

Public documents such as lawsuits, liens, bankruptcies, civil and criminal records, and more are used by our search service. Our free people search tool is powered by all of this data, enabling our customers to locate anyone with ease and speed. You won’t ever again have to ponder over the one who got away. Are you trying to find a long-lost loved one or relative? Are you trying to find someone who could have been lost in the system? We can assist.

The Fair Credit and Reporting Act governs public records (FCRA). Since we are not regarded as a consumer reporting agency under FCRA legislation, data taken from our website cannot be utilized for tenant screening, employment (including domestic help), insurance eligibility determination, stalking, or harassment of individuals

Online Background Check Service
If you're in need of an immediate criminal background check and unsure where to begin, backgroundreveal is your go-to resource
Online property Background Check
An online background property check typically involves researching public records and other available data to verify information about a property.
People Search
Public records refer to documents or information maintained by government agencies, often mandated by law.
years of experiences
Reliable People Search Online
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Criminal History
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Reliable People
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Reliable Property
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Trusted Clients

Don’t Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Any Question

Locate family members: Do you have distant relatives whom you haven’t spoken to in a long
time? Perhaps you want to get to know your biological relatives, which you may not have
known about.
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Are you seeking to locate someone but unsure where to start? Whether you want to gather information about someone or yourself but find the public records system confusing, we’re here to help


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